“How do I get this past her nose? “

My Nani, born in 1902, was a Tamil Brahmin widow and a torchbearer for indomitable courage and achievement. She was married at age 12 to a much older widower who already had a child. He died when she was 21, leaving her with 3 young children and little money. She had to depend on the

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It’s food? It’s good?

I landed in Dusseldorf, Germany on the last Lufthansa flight from Portugal. I was crisscrossing Europe conducting post-acquisition integration workshops and it was really late in the night by the time I reached the designated hotel in a small town in Germany, an hour’s drive from the airport. My Turkish driver had just ripped me

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Cheeli Paper

I was born in the part of Bihar that is now Jharkhand but maintained my original statehood (read: where my parents originated from) and would tell everyone that we were from UP. Now, married to a Bihari for 33+ years, I have also come to know and appreciate the cuisine from that state. So a

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